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The steel pen museum on the internet with historical information

The steel pen museum on the internet with historical information

Illustrations of the manufacturing process

Engravings after drawings by R. Meinhardt

The manufacturing process of steel nibs. Cutting the steel into strips

1. Cutting the steel into strips.

The manufacturing process of steel nibs. Annealing the stripes.

2. Annealing the stripes.

The manufacturing process of steel nibs. Rolling the strips.

3. Rolling the strips.

The manufacturing process of steel nibs. Punching the nibs.

4. Punching the nibs.

The manufacturing process of steel nibs. Stamping the nibs.

5. Stamping the nibs.

The manufacturing process of steel nibs. Bending the nibs.

6. Bending the nibs.

The manufacturing process of steel nibs. Splitting the nibs.

7. Splitting the nibs.